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Agility Workshops

We are very excited to have OMD Coach Anna Eifert back again from Hungary! Come join us April 10-12, 2017 for this amazing agility training opportunity!!

Green Dog Handling Monday, April 10th 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm $125
Open to dogs 8 months and older. Dogs should be sequencing jumps and tunnels (does not need to be full height). Perfect for dogs not quite ready to compete but who are successfully sequencing 5-10 obstacles. Focus will be on handling. Limit 8 working dogs. 

Course Work Tuesday April 11th, 9:00am-5:00pm $225
Dogs should be doing all obstacles and handlers should understand OMD. This will be all day of International handling. Be prepared to run long sequences using OMD handling.

OMD Techniques – Out in Front, Wednesday, April 12th 8 am – 12 pm $125
The focus of this session will be on Front Crosses in all variations. Dogs should be sequencing using all equipment. Limit 8 working dogs. 

OMD Techniques – Being Behind, Wednesday, April 12th 1 pm – 5 pm $125
The focus of this session will be on handling from behind, Rear Crosses and beyond. Dogs should be sequencing using all equipment. Limit 8 working dogs. 

If you work 2, ½ day sessions the cost is $225.
Auditing is $75 for a full day, $40 for ½ day.

Registration opens:
Wednesday March 8th at 9am for current Paws N Effect agility students
Thursday March 9th at 9am for past participants at Paws agility seminars
Friday March 10th at 9am registration for everyone.

To sign up email
Please do not email before the correct opening date/time. Any emails sent to the wrong email address or before the opening time will be deleted. Please feel free to email anytime with questions about the seminars.

Earlier Event: April 9
Intro to Disc Dog Workshop
Later Event: April 15
Bonding & Trust Workshop