Try To See It My Way: Special Summer Sessions
Is your dog good when you ask for a specific behavior but not on the same planet as you when left to his own devices? When your dog is excited, does he ignore you as you yell at him to “sit,” “down,” and “off”? Help your dog to choose engagement with you and not wait to be told what to do.
These sessions are all designed around helping you build real world skills while you bond with your dog through fun and games. These sessions are ideal for those who want to do more with their dogs, like enjoying walks, visiting dog-friendly spaces, and just spending quality time with their best friend.
All three class sequences are designed to help you see the world the way your dog sees it in order to help you become a better trainer and partner. Dogs don’t learn the same way people do, so start getting a dog’s eye view of situations to help understand how to reduce undesired behaviors and make quicker progress toward your training goals.
Prerequisites: Family Dog Training: Basics or equivalent.
Walk This Way
Three sessions to learn strategies and practice polite leash walking with increasing levels of distraction.
Does your dog walk nicely with you sometimes but lose that connection around distractions at other times? These sessions are designed to help take your leash walking game to the next level. It’s great for teams working on goals like Canine Good Citizen, therapy dog, or just being able to take their dog to more places with them.
We will will cover the concepts behind strong and connected leash walking, offering opportunities to practice around appropriate levels of distraction, all in the safe and positive environment of Paws ‘N Effect’s indoor and outdoor training areas. Handlers will learn how to support and encourage their dogs to offer more and more appropriate behavior, and dogs will learn how to maintain their connection and walk nicely past increasing levels of distractions.
Thursdays, 12PM - 1PM
June 27, July 11, July 18
$95 (plus tax) for the three sessions
You must register in advance. Please call (203) 281-7150 to reserve your spot!
This three-class series will be offered again on July 25, August 1, and August 8.
Hello There!
Three sessions to work on appropriate and safe greeting behavior for overexcited or shy dogs.
These sessions are all about teaching your dogs how to greet politely and how to behave safely and appropriately around doors. A loving, happy, exuberant dog can sometimes choose to greet family, friends, and strangers in ways that aren't always safe or desirable, whether that's at the front door or out and about in the world.
This series of classes will cover the principles and methods of:
teaching your dog to safely enter and exit through doors on and off the leash.
developing good greeting habits for your dog.
reducing and eliminating undesirable habits like jumping or mouthing.
responding to your dog when he or she is too excited to behave appropriately.
Our instructors will also give you clear feedback on what they see as your team's individual strengths and issues so you can take some games and exercises home to practice and improve for the long term.
Thursdays, 1PM - 2PM
June 27, July 11, July 18
$95 (plus tax) for the three sessions
You must register in advance. Please call (203) 281-7150 to reserve your spot!
This three-class series will be offered again on July 25, August 1, and August 8.
Distractions 101
For dogs who know their basics but who struggle to connect and behave appropriately around distractions.
Are you frustrated on your daily walks with your pup? Does your dog have a lot to say about other dogs and people? Are you invisible to your dog when you are out and about?
This series of classes will cover the principles and methods of:
the modern science of canine cognition, focusing on how dogs learn.
the causes of common problems and issues with behavior and how to reduce them.
reading your dog’s body language and other communication signals to get a better idea of what they’re thinking and feeling.
responding to your dog when he or she is too excited to behave appropriately.
the difference between cued behaviors and default behaviors and which ones to focus on for your goals with your dog.
the difference between attention and engagement and how each impacts a dog’s behavior.
Thursdays, 2PM - 3PM
June 27, July 11, July 18
$95 (plus tax) for the three sessions
You must register in advance. Please call (203) 281-7150 to reserve your spot!
This three-class series will be offered again on July 25, August 1, and August 8.